
This is Not a Game.

Many people underestimate video games to be a mindless activity. But, PlayStation has reinvented the art of storytelling. Their exclusive titles create immersive worlds and deep narratives. Other games ask you to press buttons to jump. PlayStation asks you to jump into a deeper experience. Play. Feel. Live. This is Not a Game.

All The Feels

It’s time to get to the station and go to the home screen. Here you will be shown the option to plug in how you’re feeling, what you need, or topics you may be going through. The Playstation console will direct you immediately to the game store with recommendations.

Battle Station

Now sit back and get comfortable. Your exclusive gaming chair is equipped with all the things you could need while jumping into the epic worlds. Lighting attached to the seams, built in vibrations that will mimic the gameplay, and a tissue box for the inevitable tears along the way.

Real Talk

After experiencing the epic within and of these games, you might want a moment to take it all in. Playstation will be using their VR equipment to create immersive therapeutic experiences for players to interact and talk one-on-one with characters from the games or simply roam freely around the world.

The Price to Pay

The impact that these video games have had on you sinks in. Now, the $10,000 blood and gold plated collection of the exclusive games will be no shock to you. Made from the highest quality gold and the blood, sweat and tears from game developers themselves. A rare item to own but one worthy of the cost.

The Final Boss

As the future ahead sits upon us, Playstation is bringing The Final Boss camp to children around the world. Offering a place to learn about game development, Esports, and share stories and growth forever. This is Not a Game.

Copywriter: Dolly Lamando

Art Director: Dan Torres