
In Between Time

Most people are concerned with getting from point A to point B as fast as they can with no concern for the in between. But, what happens in the in between? Amtrak’s magic is the ability to experience that. A pressure-less portal between places that allows you the time to spend your time.  

Humans of Amtrak

Amtrak will feature passengers throughout the nation on their social platforms. They will also produce a YouTube podcast series in order to create a collection of stories that showcase what “In Between Time” is all about; people. There will be live call-ins, documentary segments, and conversations diving into how people use the space between point A and point B.

Ride It Out

Amtrak will place exhibit train cars in busy city environments to offer a place of refuge amongst everyday life. The walls will display projections of moving train window imagery and meditative music that allows people to experience “In Between Time” during their daily grind.

A Piece of Time

Train car graffiti is rooted in railway history and is an expression of the freedom of street artists. Amtrak is acknowledging this form of artistic expression by commissioning street artists to design train car wraps. Each artist will be selected by the city they are based out of along the designated routes so that the cars themselves will tell the story of the journey.

Stay In The Loop

Amtrak creates a co-working train with the sole purpose of departing and arriving at the same place. A loop representing “In Between Time.” The train will be equipped with tables for teams to collaborate, private rooms for solo projects and an assistant for support. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

Copywriter: Dolly Lamando

Art Director: Dan Torres